BMI performed the site assessment, prepared applications/notifications and acquired all necessary permits/approvals, and designed the passive treatment system.  BMI was also involved in working with the landowners including the William Keith Kroph family and Imperial Land Corporation and coordinating with the BFI Imperial (municipal waste) Landfill.  BMI also assisted in developing a trust fund for long-term system maintenance, which included matching funds from Imperial Land Corp.

The passive system was designed to minimize costs, to optimize available space (construction area adjoined the backyard of the landowner), and to conform to the natural setting by developing wildlife habitat.  To treat the alkaline mine drainage, the passive system included the installation of a forebay and an aerobic wetland complex consisting of bioswales, settling ponds, and wetlands.  By-pass features for passive components were also installed for future O&M.  (Note:  No maintenance has been required since the system came online over 6 years ago.)  Based on information available at, an estimate of over 6,000,000 gal/yr. are being treated with load reductions in acidity of 3,300 lbs./yr. and in total iron of over 2,300 lbs./yr.

“We are very happy with the performance and appearance of the Boggs Road Mine Drainage Remediation System, and we are aware that these fine outcomes are the result of your untiring efforts and attention to vital details.

Enclosed is a typical example of the transmittal letters we’ve enclosed in sending out the copies of your technical report on the Boggs project. You will see that we take pride in the outstanding accomplishments you have achieved in our behalf. Thanks for a fantastic job in all the aspects involved in creating this facility!” – Mark Fedosick, President, Montour Run Watershed Association (02/28/06)

PA DEP Growing Greener Grant (Project #SW30249)
US Office of Surface Mining Clean Streams Grant
Findlay Twp., Allegheny Co., PA
Mark Fedosick, President, MRWA
(; 412-264-8701)
Ronald H. Horansky, Proj. Advisor, Greensburg DMO
(; 724-925-5538)
David Hamilton, Proj. Advisor, OSM Harrisburg
(; 717-782-4036)
2005 Completion Date