In a partnership effort with the Washington County Conservation District and local landowners and residents, a report was completed in June 2006 identifying options for treatment of five major abandoned mine discharges, previously monitored by John Davidson, formerly of the PA DEP.  As part of the effort, 16 piezometers were installed and monitored to assist in evaluating whether the underground mines of interest were interconnected.  Based on a preliminary evaluation from piezometer data, available underground mine maps, and other information, options were described with projected implementation and O&M costs and expected stream improvement.  The options included passively treating near the sources or combining and relocating the major discharges, by siphon, to one location for treatment.  Depending upon the feasibility as determined from future testing at potential injection and withdrawal points, the “mine-to-mine” transfer would essentially eliminate the four major discharges and restore all of Burgetts Fork and would also enable potential reuse of ~1500 gpm of degraded mine water by a future circulating, fluidized-bed, power plant or enable the installation of one large passive treatment system instead of five individual passive systems.  The implementation of one large passive treatment system is projected to cost less not only in installation but also in operation and maintenance.  Upon successful implementation, about 3 miles of Burgetts Fork in the Raccoon Creek Watershed are expected to be substantially restored.

PA DEP Growing Greener Grant
Contract No. ME 3521091
Burgettstown Boro., Smith Twp., Washington Co.,
PA Gary Stokum, WCCD Manager
( 724-228-6774)
Ronald H. Horansky, Proj. Advisor
New Stanton DMO
(; 724-925-5538)
2006 Completion Date (feasibility study)